Aaron Sorkins groundbreaking debut tells the story of a group of military lawyers assigned to defend two Marines in Guantanamo Bay. During the course of the trial, they uncover a high level conspiracy designed to eliminate weaker soldiers in the name of patriotism. The Milford Theater Bar will be open one hour before the show,...
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Aaron Sorkins groundbreaking debut tells the story of a group of military lawyers assigned to defend two Marines in Guantanamo Bay. During the course of the trial, they uncover a high level conspiracy designed to eliminate weaker soldiers in the name of patriotism. The Milford Theater Bar will be open one hour before the show,...
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Aaron Sorkins groundbreaking debut tells the story of a group of military lawyers assigned to defend two Marines in Guantanamo Bay. During the course of the trial, they uncover a high level conspiracy designed to eliminate weaker soldiers in the name of patriotism. The Milford Theater Bar will be open one hour before the show,...
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